Small Business Ransomware Attacks

How To Protect Your Small Business From Ransomware Attacks

As we all have already heard, and also seen, not only the big companies are the target of the ransomware attacks. Sometimes, the small companies are an easier target for them so they can faster break into their system. Even companies that have under 1,000 employees are the regular targets of these criminal cyber-attacks. So, let’s go together to see and find out how you can protect your small business from ransomware attacks! These are the best practices to adopt to keep your business safe.

1. Always have in mind that the end users are targets. Your employees need to know how to recognize the ransomware danger. Maybe the best solution would be to have a training program.

2. Don’t forget to backup all of your data and make a plan for recovery if something happens, that you cannot control (but most of all, you can, don’t forget). For optimum protection, the best solution is to isolate the critical backups.

3. Use the application which will stop the dangerous and suspicious programs from running on your computer and mobile phone, not to forget.

4. Every incoming and outgoing e-mails should be scanned. It’s pretty familiar that many cyber-attacks happen through spam e-mails someone opens or installs a program they require. Do not install anything suspicious someone asks from you! You can install what you want and what you need on your own, and everything you can find on safe sites on Google research.

5. Always check up if your anti-malware programs are running properly and if they are updated regularly (you can put them to be in an automatic update state). Run every program you installed and downloaded through these safety programs and antivirus protections.

6. Just block access to known malicious IP addresses configuring your firewalls.

7. All employees should only use administrator account only when needed and necessary. The best would be to avoid this at all!

8. Never follow unsolicited web links in the e-mails sent to you. Never.

9. Always disable RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) when it is not used. In that way, you may decrease your chances of cyber-attacks and phishing by 50%.

10. Toolbar buttons and keyboard short cast should be disabled from office files transmitted via email.

11. Always keep your system up to date, and if that is hard for you to remember in a life where everyone has a lot on his mind, turn on the automatic updates and you don’t have to think about it a bit. But do it! Not tomorrow, do it now, or at least today.

12. If you recognize any sign of ransomware going around or being a threat to your company or business, it’s important to know that you have to contact your local FBI field office immediately to report it. Visit their official website, bookmark it, and see where’s the nearest located office to you. Doing this is a must! It’s a permanently work for us all to repress or even reduce ransomware and the danger around the globe.

13. It’s not a bad idea to patch commonly exploited Softwares such as Java, Flash or Adobe. It will prevent many of these attacks from even being successful in the first place. This is a great tip to know.

14. Never forget that the most of the ransomware is delivered through spear phishing. It’s facilitated thought the information based on the social media. Always be sure that you have a social media policy in a place that limits work-related information (for an example a job title) from being posted on your social media.

This article has listed almost 14 tips for your business security. This is a great number to tell this important thing. The only reason why the criminals are still here is that the people keep paying the ransom! Don’t do that! Consult a security professional to stay protected. Small businesses getting affected by cyber attacks are common since last 1.5 years. In this scenario hiring a full time security professional might be little costly for you but it certainly has its benefit but CIOs today are doing great job. CIO Consultants are technology experts having business knowledge that makes them perfect choice to consult and setup your IT. They will make sure your business is safe and always running even in worse time.

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