11/2013 – Introviz is launched
Introviz is formed by three seasoned serial entrepreneurs and formed an advisory group made up of successful CEOs and investors. Company established vision of “Enable cloud for all SMBs.”
5/2014 – Introviz gets seed funding from Angel investors
"Introviz announced today that it has secured seed funding from angel investors. Details of funding is not released and the management team will make this available at a later time.“
8/2014 - Intoviz announces CIO services for small businesses
“Amid rapidly changing technological landscape a growing number of small and midsize businesses are finding themselves with older technologies in a closet in their offices – increased risk of security and business continuity. The core issue is lack of CIO presence in their boardroom – quotes Ed Sutherland , VP of Business development.”
04/2015 – Introviz is 100% employee owned
Introviz was started as an employee owned firm. All employees will own a piece of the pie. After being part of three startups, at this point we have a mission to build a company that inspires our employees by being part of the ownership.
07/2015 – Introviz acquires a number of small businesses as clients saving them monies on IT investment
Introviz advisory services receives highest customer satisfaction among small and Midsize business (SMB) executives. Introviz provides fractional CIO services and provides overall oversight in to SMBs IT investments. “We are proud of this accomplishment and an important milestone”, quoted Mr. Chakravarthi, CEO.
05/2016 – Introviz launches service for nonprofits in the DC metro area
After successful case studies with small businesses, Introviz aims at nonprofits in an effort to boost the performance of this vertical market segment. Nonprofits lags in technology implementation and has the biggest exposure to fall out in technology. ”We feel it is a moral obligation for our firm to help the nonprofits to transform them and move them up on the business maturity model”, quotes Jack Filler – COO.
07/2016 - Introviz announces integrated CRM, back office, email with full integration
“One of the growing issues at nonprofits is lack of integration of technology in their business. Cant access data, data about donors is not readily available. It takes effort to reach donors and build an effective campaign. Also access from any device and anywhere is a big hurdle for nonprofits stifling them from accomplishing their mission.”
11/2017 – Introviz launches back office automation
Introviz invests in back office services for the midsize market to improve operational efficiencies and maintain compliance for their clients.